Yeah I’m leaving tomorrow and have a fuck ton of shows to go through so you’ll forgive me if I cheat a little (a lot) here and just repost what I wrote about the best matches of WM 22 last year, yeah?
Don’t you worry though, my precious lists will remain intact (tard)
1. Cena/HHH
2. James/Stratus
3. Michaels/Vince
4. Benoit/JBL
5. Undertaker/Henry
7. Edge/Foley
8. Angle/Orton/Mysterio
9. Show & Kane/Masters & Carlito
10. Torrie/Candice
11. Boogeyman/Booker T & Sharmell
TOP 15
1. Austin/Rock, X-Seven
2. Austin/Rock, XIX
3. Hogan/Rock, X8
4. McMahon/McMahon, X-Seven
5. Cena/HHH, 22
6. Mysterio/Guerrero, 21
7. TLC, X-Seven
8. MITB, 21
9. Hogan/Vince, XIX
10. Flair/Undertaker, X8
11. Mysterio/Hardy, XIX
12. James/Stratus, 22
13. Evolution/Rock N Sock, XX
14. Undertaker/Orton, 21
15. Michaels/Vince, 22
1. X-Seven
2. X8
3. 22
4. 21
5. XIX
6. XX
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