1. Jack Swagger v Christian, 2/24
2. John Cena v Rey Mysterio v Chris Jericho v Edge v Kane v Mike Knox, WWE, 2/15
3. John Cena v Shawn Michaels, WWE, 1/12
4. Matt Hardy v Jack Swagger, WWE, 1/13
5. Jack Swagger v Matt Hardy, WWE, 1/25
6. Edge v Triple H v Undertaker v Jeff Hardy v Big Show v Vladimir Kozlov, WWE, 2/15
7. John Cena v Big Show, 3/30
8. The Miz v Primo, WWE, 3/10
9. John Cena v Chris Jericho, WWE, 2/2
10. Jack Swagger v Finlay, WWE, 2/3
11. Big Show v MVP, WWE, 1/16
12. John Cena v JBL, WWE, 1/25
13. Finlay v Jack Swagger, WWE, 1/6
14. Jack Swagger & Mark Henry vs Christian & Finlay, 2/17
15. Randy Orton v Shane McMahon, WWE, 2/15
16. Jeff Jarrett v Kurt Angle, TNA, 1/11
17. The Miz & John Morrison v Primo & Carlito, WWE, 3/13
18. JBL v Rey Mysterio, WWE, 3/30
19. Jack Swagger v Christian, WWE, 2/10
20. Finlay v The Brian Kendrick, WWE, 3/13
21. The Miz & John Morrison & The Brian Kendrick v Primo & Carlito & R-Truth, WWE, 2/6
22. Jack Swagger & The Miz & John Morrison v Christian & Finlay & Tommy Dreamer, WWE, 3/3
23. Chris Jericho v Jerry Lawler, WWE, 3/30
24. Christian & Finlay v Mark Henry & Kane, WWE, 3/31
25. Shawn Michaels v JBL, WWE, 2/15
OFF. John Cena & Shawn Michaels v Chris Jericho & Randy Orton, WWE, 1/5
OFF. Rey Mysterio v Kane v Mike Knox, WWE, 3/2
OFF. Edge & Big Show v Triple H & Undertaker, WWE, 2/6
OFF. CM Punk v JBL, WWE, 3/9
7. John Cena v Big Show, 3/30
So for whatever reason I really wasn’t into their February match but this was great. Show is an intelligent monster, animalistic enough to just butcher Cena with his offense but crafty enough to go after Cena’s back to block his finisher, which is what finished Show in their first match. Cena is still pretty much the best seller in wrestling and he is awesome here. He doesn’t get much of a chance to do a whole lot offensively but that’s kind of what’s going to happen sometimes. The finish is hot and that’s a fucking beast of a chokeslam for Cena to eat. Post-match is kind of a weird go home for a WrestleMania world title match, with Cena dead in the ring, Show staring at Edge like he’s retarded, and Edge… well… kind of looking retarded. Or like a very pleased child. Oh well.
18. JBL v Rey Mysterio, WWE, 3/30
This has long been one of my favorite match-ups in wrestling. When JBL first came out of retirement in 2007 I really wanted a JBL/Rey match for ‘Mania 24. It didn’t happen, but then they put it on the card for ‘Mania 25, and I was going to that show, so this worked for me. At the time throwing this match out on RAW immediately before the PPV struck me as insane, after the PPV match went 20 seconds it makes more sense, especially when JBL retired right after the 20 second PPV match. Old bastard needed something good to go out on and this is that. Not their best match, not by a long shot, and maybe not even good enough to be this high at this point, but God dammit I miss JBL and I love JBL vs Rey so this had to go on here. As it is, even with only getting a 20 second match between them live in Texas, I also got to see them wrestle in Toronto last December. So after JBL came back these two never had a match like their ‘06 classic but they DID have three matches and I was live for two of them. I think I’ll take that.
23. Chris Jericho v Jerry Lawler, WWE, 3/30
Yeah so it’s only three and a half minutes but fuck me three and a half minutes of Jerry Lawler is still going to be better than twelve minutes from most guys. Lawler looks like a fucking champ here, it’s a shame that he doesn’t get in more matches and while I’m not complaining with the legends match we got at ‘Mania, Lawler would totally have been an acceptable opponent for Jericho. Speaking of Jericho, he’s awesome here. Since moving to the legends thing full time after No Way Out he hasn’t really had many matches, actually I think he only really had the Kofi match, which was good but didn’t make the list. This is better, Jericho sells for Lawler as if King was going to headline WrestleMania instead of call it, and he manages to come off as a killer at the same time. All in three minutes! It’s too bad we didn’t get twelve minutes on PPV with these two, could well have been a top five match.
24. Christian & Finlay v Mark Henry & Kane, WWE, 3/31
Not as good as some of the other matches where Finlay and Christian teamed, but it’s still Finlay and Christian as a team. They’ve got their team formula down pat by now, where Finlay works the face-in-peril stuff with his hard hitting hope spots and then Christian comes in off the hot tag to get all his big stuff over (I mean he’s only been back a month and a half at this point, so yeah). Henry also rules here, because Henry is damn awesome, his finish sequence with Christian was damn nice and I totally wasn’t expecting the second slam attempt. Kind of thought this would go another few minutes based on the skimpy lineup for the show but hey gotta show those music videos sometime. Kane is a step down from Swagger as a partner for Henry but he was fine here. Your usual good ECW tag.